Therapeutic Massage

60 minutes $100

90 minutes $150

120 minutes $200

30 Minute Area-Specific Cupping Session $50

With limited availability and at my discretion, I offer in-home massage appointments. A flat-rate $30 outcall fee covers up to an hour of travel (round trip); for more than an hour total of travel time, my rate of $30/hour of travel is pro-rated. If you are in need of in-home treatment because of a medical condition preventing you from driving, we can discuss a reduction or waiving of my travel fee.

Cupping benefits can include deep tissue work and release, reduced inflammation and hypertonicity, increased blood supply to the skin, increased healthy muscle tone, reduced cellulite (which can cause pain), and more.

Copy + paste the below links to read about cupping.

— If you’re part of the Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color communities (BIPOC), please inquire about massage therapy sessions as reparations for ancestral trauma, and/or rent for living on stolen land. —

Sliding scale pricing is available if paying the full price for treatment means you would be unable to pay for necessities such as housing or food: $70-$90/60mins, $110-$130/90mins. Everyone deserves care. Take advantage of this at your own risk. :)

thank you to Emily at Oxbow for their own (previous) sliding scale, and to Worts and Cunning for their writing on sliding scales.